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The Book

The Truth About Love and Fear
In “The Truth about Love and Fear,” Rudolf Eckhardt shows how we are the creators of our own life and relationship experiences through the beliefs by which we define ourselves, others, and the world. Releasing the fears and insecurities that control our thoughts, feelings and behavior has the power to transform our lives and relationships, and help us better understand the nature and expression of our consciousness.

Topics include:

How being in control of your life is about who you are and not what you do.
How your authentic self may not be who you believe you are.
How your childhood experiences control your life and relationships.
How relationships fail and how to overcome conflict.
How you can be a powerful person rather than engage in acts of power.
How fear influences every aspect of our lives.
How your fears stop you from being the person you were born to be.
How to recognise the source of your fears and how to release them.
And the importance of unconditional love, acceptance and trust.
The Truth about Love and Fear leads you to a new understanding of the nature of your consciousness and its processes. It reveals the influence unconditional love, acceptance and trust can have over your life and shows how fear disempowers you. It will challenge the way you see yourself, your life, and relationships. It will make you question all of your life experiences and alter your perception of the past, the present and future.